
Story time – in French
Since the beginning of the academic year, Year 3, 4 and 5 French Club pupils have been working on writing a French reading book aimed at pupils in Pre-Prep.
First, they looked at French reading books from the French section in the library to give them some ideas. Then, they worked in groups and had to cooperate and agree on a theme for their story. Once they knew what their reading book was going to be about, they started planning, deciding how many pages they will need, who will draw the pictures, who will write the words, what they will have on the front cover, what the title will be, etc. Each group put a lot of effort into creating and designing a book which would be appealing, interesting and entertaining for Pre-Prep pupils but also a book which would teach the younger pupils some new French words.
Last Wednesday, all the groups finished their books and I was very impressed with the finished products. Pupils were showed how to read the books in an engaging way to our younger learners in the school in order to make sure they enjoy the experience.
On Wednesday this week, French Club pupils went to Hall House to meet with all the younger children staying in after-school care. We split them into small groups and we read our books to them, making sure each pupil was repeating the French words as best as they could as well as doing the actions to help them memorise the new vocabulary. Pre-Prep children were very excited and happy to see older pupils from prep visiting them and teaching them new things. It was such a success that all the French Club pupils decided to go again next week and share more stories with the little ones.

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