⭐️ Star Boarders
Ben and Phoebe, who usually board once or twice a week, have shown consistency in their approach to boarding this term. The boarding team is always impressed with their maturity, independence and positive attitude. They set a great example for all the boarders and that is why they are this weeks’ Star Boarders. Well done, both of you.
🍕 Pizza Night – courtesy of Thomas Franks
On Wednesday, thanks to Thomas Franks, the boarders were able to make their own pizza. We did not get to spin the dough over our heads but is was delicious! The best pizza was made by Henry who put a lot of effort to make a pizza with cheesy crust! Well done, Henry.
🙌 Adventure Saturdays
Last weekend, our Saturday Adventurers went to iBounce in Exeter. As you can see from the photos, they has a really great time.
If you would like to join us on our next adventure, we are going to Go Ape on Saturday 11 June. How? It is very easy, send us an email at [email protected] and we will take it from there.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Mr Baurance
Head of Boarding