The Board of Governors of Exeter Cathedral School
The Proprietor of Exeter Cathedral School is its Governing Body. The Trustees (Governors) of Exeter Cathedral School are also directors of the charitable company, who comprise:
Mr Charles Beer (Chair of Governors)
Mr Charles Kislingbury
Mrs Alison Fisher
Canon Jenny Ellis
The Very Revd Jonathan Greener
Mr Nigel Mitchell
Revd James Mustard
Mr Neil Pockett DLC BA, Cert Ed
Prof Michael Totterdell (Link Governor for Safeguarding)\
Mr Timothy Cannell
Mr Jeremy Rawlings
Mr Jimmy Beale
Contacting Governors
Correspondence for the Chair of Governors is sent via the Clerk to the Governors:
Mr Steven Webber, Clerk to the Governors
c/o Exeter Cathedral School
The Chantry, Palace Gate
Exeter, EX1 1HX