
Exam Success for Exeter Cathedral School pupils in Class of 2022

Exeter Cathedral School 2022 Public Exam Results

67% of all papers graded A* to B.

100% of pupils successfully win their place to their chosen senior school.

28 Scholarships awarded.


Exeter Cathedral School is celebrating another year of excellent academic results. The Class of 2022 sat the nationally-recognised Common Entrance exams, with two thirds of all papers being graded A*-B. 100% of pupils have been awarded a place at their chosen senior school – with 28 scholarships/awards being won.

Pupils will be moving on in September to some of the country’s leading senior schools. Reflecting the breadth of the curriculum on offer at the School, 66% of pupils have also been offered significant scholarships – including awards for Music, Sport, Art, Academic, Performing Arts and Drama.

James Featherstone, Head of Exeter Cathedral School, said “We are enormously proud of the achievements of our pupils. They have worked incredibly hard after a challenging period and, thanks to their own efforts, the work of our gifted staff, and the support from parents/guardians at home, they have excelled. Moreover, they are moving on to their chosen secondary schools as young women and young men who are interesting, interested, kind and appropriately confident, and who are bright and positive members of society.”


Exeter Cathedral School was founded in the 12th century and nowadays educates some 260 boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 13.

To find out more about our tailored scholarship programme ‘ECS Awards’, or to arrange a private tour, please contact our friendly admissions team on 01392 285 959 or [email protected].

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