The emphasis of Geography at Exeter Cathedral School is to instil a sense of understanding and appreciation of our local, national and global environment.
Pupils spend time learning about human and physical processes, as well as the impacts, consequences and responses to human interaction with their surroundings.
Geography is taught as a stand-alone subject from Years 3 to 8. The curriculum in Years 3 to 6 is largely based around the National Curriculum but also incorporates topics that feature in Common Entrance. This enables a firm foundation of knowledge as the Year 7 and 8 pupils head into their Common Entrance syllabus.
Skills and Enquiry-based Learning
We aim to arm the children with the key skills that they will need when they move on to their senior schools. This includes collecting raw data using a range of methods, visiting a variety of geographically interesting locations, learning how to read and interpret paper and digital maps, and using technology to research and present information. There is also a strong emphasis on enquiry-based learning. We believe that encouraging pupils to ask questions and make sense of information themselves helps them develop geographical thinking.
Out and About
Fieldwork is an essential part of the Geography curriculum, giving the children the chance to make links between their work in the classroom and the outside world through investigating, first hand, the topics being studied. Recent and planned fieldtrips include studying coastal processes at Dawlish Warren, a Rainforest Rangers workshop at The Eden Project, orienteering at Killerton House, exploring local wildlife at the Devon Wildlife Trust, a study of tourism at Buckland Abbey, and a local farm study. This culminates in a Year 8 Common Entrance enquiry in which pupils collect primary data to test hypotheses and write up their findings.