This morning Years 2-8 met together for our usual Eucharist, to mark the start of the Trinity term and to celebrate the joyful message of Easter. During the service we reflected on the challenge Christ sets his Disciples; to go out into the world and spread His message of unconditional love, facing what ever challenges us, with faith and fortitude. With this in mind, Bella C. (Year 8) wrote the following prayer, which I think reflects the caring nature of our community brilliantly:
Dear Lord,
As we start this new term, let us remember to be kind and grateful and to work hard.
To look after others and ourselves, and to make a bright, fresh start to this term. A chance to try something new, something different.
As we come into this new term, we wish each other good luck in the exams coming up.
In your name we pray, Amen.
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick