
Chaplain’s Corner

A week of kindness, care and reflection.

In our worship this week, we have continued to think about kindness, what it is, how we show it and who we give it to. Following the Prep school’s service for Ash Wednesday last week, the Pre-Prep department came to the cathedral for their service to mark the start of Lent. Together we explored the idea of Lent as a time for Christian’s to ‘tidy up’ their lives and refocus their attention on living in a way which reflects Jesus’ teaching of kindness and love. We thought about how we can show this in the choices we make every day, and lots of children were excited to share that the were going to make renewed efforts to help keep their bedrooms tidy!

In Lower Years worship we continued this idea of kindness by looking at Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5: 43-48; it’s important to love our enemies as well as our friends. It’s easy to be kind to those we like, but much harder to show kindness to people we don’t like, but as Christians, this is our duty and hopefully it can grow to be our joy.

Members of the ECS community have been hard at work putting their kindness into action by fundraising for not one, but three brilliant causes. On Monday Ginevra D, Yr5, led our celebrations of International Women’s Day by holding a Penny Drive and colouring competition, both of which were keenly undertaken by our pupils who used their pennies to create a great #Balanceforbetter mural (see the photos below). All monies raised will be going to Amnesty International to support their work campaigning for gender equality across the globe.

Pupils, Parents and Guardians have also been generous in supporting our fundraising for Comic Relief, which saw many pupils come to school dressed in a red accessory, and some attempting to guess the name of the 2 Red Noses whom have taken up residence on the front desks in Hall House and the Chantry.

Finally, Friday night sees the return of our annual Charity Concert, this year supporting the amazing work of Farms for City Children. The ECS Music Department have been working hard to put together an exciting concert programme, with every member of the Prep School having an opportunity to perform.  It promises to be a fantastic event!

Exeter Cathedral School celebrates 2024 Inspection report

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