
Sport FUNdamentals

The first full week back doing physical activity at ECS and I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable. The pupils have embraced the fresh air every day and approached every lesson with enthusiasm and a huge amount of effort, as always.

In Games lessons the boys have been dusting off the cobwebs in cricket and rugby at Exeter Cricket Club, while the girls have been alternating between the cricket ground and Crediton to enjoy a mix of both cricket and hockey. 

Spatial awareness has been the focus in PE this week. The weather has allowed us to make full use of the lovely playground at Hall House and at The Chantry. Pupils showed staff how they can find space in a crowded area and control their bodies to move into the space at pace. Reception certainly enjoyed identifying colours of marked out squares and jumping into them like kangaroos. 

Our new FUNdamental Movement lessons kick started with the emphasis on ‘running’. We have been looking at technique, body specifics and change of direction. This is a new module for everyone, and the pupils have made an excellent start. The difference from PE is that we concentrate on the technique and skill of running, jumping, throwing, leaping etc, whereas, in PE we are focussing on the elements that progress into invasion games, such as spatial awareness, decision making, teamwork. We are very lucky to have this additional lesson and it will play a key role in developing the foundation of movement for the pupils. 

In Health and Wellbeing lessons pupils have been discussing their wellbeing and how important it is to look after yourself, not only physically, but mentally too. They have enjoyed lots of opportunities to be interactive with peers and chat about their experiences in a safe and caring environment. We have been looking at ways to boost mood, feel good about ourselves and having the confidence to face life’s challenges in the future. 

Well done to all pupils for a fantastic start to the term, as a department, we have been so impressed. A huge thank you to the sports department, for the additional time and effort behind the scenes to ensure pupils continue to receive such a high standard of sports provision in a fun and safe environment. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Emma Ross

Director of Sport 


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