⭐️ Star Boarder
As the boarding family is getting bigger, we have decided to reward two boarders each week, starting from this week. This week’s Star Boarders are Eliza and Richter. Both have had a fantastic week. Richter only started boarding weekly two weeks ago but he settled in quickly. He has showed positive attitude by taking part in every activity on offer. Well done, both.
🌱 Wellbeing at the Boarding House
Because we care about our boarders’ wellbeing a lot, we added a new feature to the Boarding House this week. At the end of the school day, when children come back to the boarding house, they can stick their names on the new “How Has Your Day Been?” poster. This way, if someone has had a bad day, other members of the boarding community know how other people feel and can either offer support or give them some space if that is what they need.
🎉 Birthday fun!
On Thursday, we celebrated two birthdays. Thank you so much Jo from the catering team for making two delicious cakes. Happy birthday Phoebe and Edward.
🎢 Crealy Theme Park
Tomorrow, a group of 15 children and adults are going to enjoy some beautiful weather and exciting rides at Crealy Theme Park.
🌳 SIGN UP: Go Ape at Haldon Forest
Next weekend, on Saturday 26 March, for our last Adventure Saturday of the Lent term, we are going to Haldon Forest for Go Ape. If you would like to join us, please email us at [email protected]
You have some great ideas for our Adventure Saturdays? Let us know at [email protected]
Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
Mr Baurance
Head of Boarding