⭐️ Star Boarder
Our Star Boarder this week is Gen (Year 7). Gen usually boards once a week but decided to join us for our special sushi night on Wednesday. I was very pleased to hear that Gen had showed fantastic attitude making sure everyone, especially the younger boarders, were included in all activities. Well done Gen.
As mentioned above, thank you to Thomas Franks for organising a fun evening making ramen and sushi. It was delicious.
The Christmas tree is up in the Boarding House and the boarders’ job in the next few days is to decorate it! In our next newsletter, you will be able to see how lovely it looks.
🙌 Adventure Saturdays
Children had a great time at iBounce for Adventure Saturday last weekend. This weekend, they have decided to go to the cinema to watch The Baby Boss 2. Next weekend’s adventure will take us to Clip n Climb in Exeter.
Fancy some climbing? Sign up now by emailing [email protected]
Have a wonderful weekend everyone,
Mr Baurance
Head of Boarding